Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bitches Ain't Shit But Hoes And Tricks

You are never welcome to come around our group. EVER. NEVER EVER.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Minerva and Piers

Welcome to your new home. We hope you'll be very happy here.

Alientastic Pornicopia Undead Beach Party, Part VIII: Revenge of the Return of the Son of the Birth of Argov-IV

"What the fuck are you looking at cunt face?!" he growled as he continued to cut lines. "Come on you little lard-quivering pussy, Let's do this shit". So, she undressed herself, revealing birthmarks all over her body. They all began to move, shifting 'neath her supple flesh. As the pounding of his palm beat her until she was ready. An epiphany at last, Grendel stood up, pulled out his gigantic cock and ballzzz and unleashed his almighty wrath upon the unsuspecting townsfolk. You can ONLY, at that point, rip off your leisure suit and yell at the moon "What am I to do with all these fresh baked muffins?!" I let out a scream and fell to the floor with clenched fists. It was like planets colliding-veins pulsating. "What the HELL am I supposed to do with all these muffins?" Then I woke up, panicked and sweaty. I told that sumbitch, "trace my asshole with that motherfucker. Make THAR be BLUD." Sweat poured from my bow-tie soaking, and eventually drowning, the fairies nymphs and pixies dancing under the umbrella that is his throbbing cock. Oh, HOW it rained that night. The cum drizzle was unavoidable, and your momma was a 'frisco dike. Mousey was in der housey.

Natal Chart

The cosmos have this to say based on when and where I was born. (as interpreted by Meagan Boyd. Thank you again.)

Fixed Sign, Feminine/Negative Sign (cusp of Aries influence)
The Sun is the center, heart, life giving force of our solar system. The sun sign describes the center of your being or ego, also symbolic of your spirit. The reason why the sun holds the most important astrological energy of all the planets is because all of the other planets, including the moon revolve around it. Sun in Taurus lives through stabilizing. Taurus' main goal in life is to maintain stability of Earthly things whether that means money or possessions, or simply tangible objects. However, the most prized possession of a Taurus is her sense of Earthly harmony and wholesomeness. You are a practical provider, productive, sensuous, artistic, stable, persevering, admiring, aesthetic, affectionate and very trustworthy. On the other hand, you can be materialistic, boneheaded, self-satisfied, idolatrous, possessive. Sometimes you feel as though you are being manipulated, or taken advantage of, and if this happens, you have to realize that you are not just a body, or a person that can be used as a tool, but vibrations that both attract and are attracted. Try to recognize your spirit and self-worth. Sometimes you may become fearful of loss of friends, followers possibly turning against you. Understand that it is in your power to attract faithfulness and the ability to let go signifies faith.
The fixed aspect of your sign combined with earth's stability, and the hard-headed nature of the bull and ram makes you more stubborn than other signs of the zodiac including the 3 other fixed signs. The cardinal fire of Aries, the ram makes you more assertive, aggressive and adventurous than the average Taurus.
Your Taurus sun lies in the 11th house, which means you manifest, or express these descriptions through groups you are associated with, your friends, personal ideals, politically, through your social values and through teamwork.

Mutable Sign, Feminine/Negative Sign
The moon is symbolic of your emotions, the way in which you react, how you instinctually seek to satisfy your needs, and how you sympathize with others. The moon rules your unconscious or irrational mind. In my experience, children relate more to their moon sign than their sun since there will is still unconscious. One will express qualities of their sun sign when they reach independence. Those closest to you, such as family, boyfriends, or best buddies will experience the qualities of the moon sign, more so than most people you know.
Your moon in Pisces gains security through accepting. Of all the moon sign positions, this one is the most sensitive, and complex. Moon in Pisces has an extremely receptive nature, absorbing energy from all directions. In this sense, you have a tendency to become overwhelmed, subconsciously, through your awareness of others' feelings and energies. Because of this overwhelming and intense state of awareness, it may cause you to want to escape, so you may resort to a distraction. It may be excessive use of drugs, or alcohol, delicious and tasty treats, sex, etc. . . . The point is, you have a tendency to develop an addictive personality, so watch out! Calmly embrace your heightened state of awareness with love and acceptance, and you may find that you have psychic abilities. You can be romantic, compassionate, mystical, inspiring, creative, devoted, and adaptable. However, you may be an escapist, hypersensitive, victim, inclined to being lazy, and sometimes doubt yourself.

Because your sun and moon are both feminine, or negative signs, this means that you are more of a receiver of energy than a sender. This may add to your ability to soak up energies around you. You may want to try locating your chakras, or energy centers in order to harness the energy you receive. A positive thing about having a feminine sign in your sun and moon is that the Pisces fish and the Bull are actually quite compatible with each other and compliment each other. Earth and water were made for each other since earth supports water. The mutable aspect of moon in Pisces gives you a type of ambivalence in situations occurring internally, and can help neutralize the fixed stubborn qualities of being Taurus/Aries cusp in regards to relationships, so that you feel loved and secure.
Your Moon in Pisces lies in the 1st house, so the qualities of moon in Pisces described above, manifest or are expressed through physical appearance, persona, and have been with you since birth. This makes sense to me, especially after seeing your halloween costume of the ocean. It was very imaginative in the way that it was made, and obviously the ocean is a large body of water, which your moon relates to, being a water sign. Your physical style is very interesting, "romantic", and "inspiring". (aw, yeah! I am really into it, by the way.)

Cardinal Sign, Masculine/Positive Sign
Mercury symbolizes your ability to connect one thing to another, particularly in your head. This planet deals with rational thinking. Internally, Mercury governs the nervous systems and externally, the way in which you communicate, and your perception. With Mercury in Aries you are a quick thinker with an active mind. You want thoughts and words to become deeds, rather than mere ideas. Essentially, you are "thinking through doing". You like to mentally challenge yourself. Although your sun lies in Taurus, Aries in Mercury may emphasize the Aries qualities in your Sun sign's Aries cusp. You communicate in an outgoing way, since Aries is a masculine/positive sign, so you find it easy to talk in group situations, and like parties. You may work in a position of authority because of your dominant way of communicating and thinking.
You can be spontaneous, decisive, stimulating, fiery, mentally active and agile. You have the ability to think on your feet, which makes you a great story teller, and brings an air of charisma. On the other hand you can be impatient, quick tempered, premature (but your Moon in Pisces may neutralize the premature nature of the ram), head strong, quarrelsome, you may have snap opinions and can sometimes be intellectually arrogant which comes from the Cardinal aspect of Aries.
Your Mercury in Aries lies in the 2nd house, and is manifested and/or expressed through your issues of personal worth, resources, property, possessions, and finances. This probably means that you are, or will be, very successful, having dominant Aries in your Mercury.

Mutable Sign, Feminine/Negative Sign
Venus symbolizes attraction, love, affection, beauty, happiness and relationships. Venus in Pisces "loves through accepting". Venus is said to be exalted in this particular sign since love and beauty find their fullest expression in this sensitive, imaginative and compassionate sign. With your Venus in Pisces, you are sentimental, congenial, a sensitive lover who loves unconditionally, very affectionate, extremely generous, selfless, easygoing, gentle, and peaceful. You have an understanding for what is sacred and appreciate unity of all life. However, your partner may be drowned by your intense love and affection, and they may feel as if they can never live up to it or match what you give. Pisces being the 12th, and last sign of the zodiac, gives Venus in Pisces the most evolved sense of love and beauty. You benefit from channeling your loving nature through creative expression such as painting, music, or even helping others through possibly social programs. These activities will give you a sense of self worth.
Having Venus in Pisces will emphasize your Moon in Pisces. You also will strongly attract Pisces people or those who have Pisces in their charts. You would do very well with a person who has their Venus in another water sign, particularly Scorpio, since both crave similar things in love.
Your Venus in Pisces lies in the 1st house, so refer to the above description of Moon in Pisces.

Cardinal Sign, Masculine/Positive Sign
Mars symbolizes the urge to get what you want. Mars governs your drive, sexual drive, initiative and courage. With Mars in Aries, you get through "doing". Having Mars in Aries is interesting compared to the rest of the zodiac since Mars actually rules Aries, so the nature of Mars is expressed well in this sign. You are self-assured, self willed, independent, a survivor, fearless, spirited, and you know how to get what you want! You enjoy fast satisfaction and getting your own way. What is interesting to me is that you have a balance of Pisces being the last sign of the zodiac and Aries, the first sign of the zodiac! Pretty weird! (the alpha and the omega, the complete cycle so to speak).
Again, this will emphasize your Aries qualities that lie in your cusp birthday.
You may refer to the section above describing your Mercury in Aries being in the 2nd house since, your Mars in Aries is in the 2nd house as well.

Fixed Sign, Masculine/Positive Sign
Jupiter symbolizes growth, laws, beliefs and ethics. Jupiter in Leo grows through creating. You have a way of creating bright sunny energy and people either feel warmed or scorched by it. You are big hearted, benevolent, noble, generous, think big, self-confident, and you like drama. However, you have a tendency to become an egomaniac and can be overbearing and unrealistic.
The fixed nature of this sign Jupiter emphasizes the fixed qualities of your sun in Taurus.
Your Jupiter in Leo lies in the 6th house, and is manifested through work, service, body/mind state, health, co-workers, employees, methods.

Mutable, Feminine/Negative Sign
Saturn symbolizes lessons we learn in life, fear, obstacles and tests. With Saturn in Virgo, you are tested through analyzing. You are learning how to distinguish between essentials and non-essentials, or what is good and bad, which may lead to either self-denial or self-indulgence. You like rites and rituals, orderliness, purity of intent, knowing the odds, and a clear conscious. You may be prudent, cautious, and a bit serious at times.
Saturn in Virgo lies in the 7th house and manifests through relationships, your partners influence or character, others, and projections onto others.

Fixed, Feminine
You awaken through desiring.
7th house and manifested through adventure, concepts and religion.

Mutable, Masculine
You achieve unity through seeking.
10th house, manifested through profession, authority, status, world stage, material world, character.

You empower yourself through relating to others, and their situations.
8th house, manifested through intimacy, other resources, intensity, secrecy, crisis(death), transformations and the occult.

Expressive through accepting. You wear a Pisces mask, and people may perceive or mistake you as a Pisces since you have so much Pisces in your charts. You have a soft and soothing presence, which is also deep and powerful like the ocean, as well as having healing abilities. The nature of the sea is embodied in Pisces rising; calm on top, and stormy underneath or vice-versa. You seem enchanting, fascinating, down-sucking?(not sure what this is supposed to be. meagan?), and surging to others. You have a strong psychic awareness that allows you to tune into others' presences, atmospheres, or ethereal realms, broadening your sense of reality. Having a Pisces rising means you have a Virgo setting, so you will attract partners or certain people who are discriminating and helpful, both being attributes of Virgo. You are typically easygoing, non-judgemental and tolerant in your demeanor.





bittersweet symphony

He looks deep into her eyes and says "Nobody's ever looked at me like that before. You really love me, don't you?" She responds from the infinite depths of her soul with a simple and dangerously true "yes". He grabs her and kisses her. The next day he leaves her. IWALY. IWALY. IWALY.